Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Podcast 11- Judicial Committee Appeal

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This Podcast is the first of three which chronicle the so called "Judicial appeal". You will hear the charges against me re-outlined by the committee of 3 high profile elders from the Lanarkshire Number 1 Circuit, including Philip Jones, Ian Shanks and chairman Martin Benzie. All 3 'brothers' have served, or are currently serving, as Circuit Overseers.

You may be interested to hear how Brother Jones describes what the Gospel is. Compare his description of it with the Gospel preached by Jesus and the 1st Century congregation. Then read Galations 1:6-8.

Judge for yourself whether these Christians are more interested in God, Christ and the Bible or the Organisation.


  1. Another installment? Excellent! I look forward to listening to it.

  2. When will the next one be posted?

  3. Sorry to hear you and your wife are now separated.

  4. The final part of the whole Judicial Appeal will be online this week.

    It is stunning.....

  5. He handled himself well. This Ecclesiastical Tribunal had obviously done this before. They worked hard to get him to make some incriminating statement to be used in upholding his disfellowshipping. I was fascinated by how many times they, not well known to the man on trial tried to convince him he could trust them. (He couldn't trust the ones he knew, it would be foolish to trust strangers who's only knowledge of him was the evil report they'd received.)

    Can someone tell me where in the bible does tell Jehovah's Witnesses that all Christian congregations should have a body of men to investigate members and act as judges, jury and executioners?
